Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Unexcused Absence

So hey there...how bout that four month absence?

My apologies. I mostly started the blog to give me something to do during my miserable summer, but never really had a vision for what I was doing. Not to say that I do now (I just ordered a self-help book on surviving your quarter-life crisis, so how much can my head really be on my shoulders?), but I've decided that this will be an outlet for documenting my adventures in cooking/partial vegetarianism and as a measure of accountability for knitting through my me-sized container of yarn. And what kind of ed policy wonk in the making would I be if I weren't concerned with accountability?

It's not like I haven't been up to things. Case in point:

I picked up a new hobby.

There was some cooking.

I finally finished a successful piece of knitting (FO post to come).

And I'm a new mom. Her name's Jenny.

And on top of those things, I'm a full-time grad student, part-time data monkey, and professional worrier about how I can get a job, manage my debt service, and pay D.C. rent. It's a full plate over here, and it doesn't help that having a cat has turned me into the kind of person who makes up songs about cuddling and sings them to her cat in a Barry White voice. (Note to self: these are not the types of things you should share on the internet, or at least then you shouldn't complain about being single).

I'm setting a low bar for one post a week, and they'll probably be more food related than crafty- after all, I have to eat but crafting can definitely fall by the wayside. So hold me to it. Accountability!

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